
나에 대해 ・ حولي ・About Me

Hi 👋🏻, I’m Vedu, I’m currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with Intelligence and Media Threads at the Georgia Institute of Technology, I graduate December 2024. Last Summer, I worked on building causal inference products as a part of TikTok’s experimentation and evaluation team. I’m really passionate about taking large volumes of data and visualizing and extracting meaningful insights from them.

Outside of work, I love to go surfing, travelling and working on cars.

My research interests include Computer Vision, Graphics, Image/Video Processing, Visualization, and Human-Computer Interaction, and I have authored a few papers, including BrainPainter v2: Mouse Brain Visualization Software and COVerage: Region-Specific SARS-CoV-2 News Query Algorithm.

Looking for my resume? Click here!

Cover Letter (For Technical Communciations Class): Click here!